It's really hard to be a good Christian. I know that it's part of our human "sinful" nature to screw up and, as a Christian, to be able to recognize it and repent but it seems like I am going to have to spend an inordinate time praying for forgiveness lately. I am going to blame that on have a pre-teen daughter. This morning she was bound and determined that she wasn't going to take a shower even though that is what she does every morning before school. When Tony woke her up and said, "Good morning sweetie! Time to get up and take a shower," she replied with a simple, "No." Not that she wasn't going to get up, but that she just wasn't going to take a shower. So, I listened as Tony reminded her how she takes a shower every morning and she said she just wasn't going to take one. Then he told her that she should just go get in the shower because I was going to make her take one anyway. She said no. Then he took her Ipod away for a day. Brenna said she didn't care. Then he took it for 2 days. As she argued (while laying on the floor of her room, I might add) Tony said, "Fine. I'll take it for a week." And that is when she she started screeching, "No! No! I don't want to take a shower."
Well, I guess this is when a good Christian mother would intervene and say something like, "Brenna, let's pray for a minute until we calm down," or "Is this what Jesus would want you to do; argue with your parents?"
But, I already admitted that I am a flawed sinful human being so it will come to no surprise that I opened the door to her room and screamed, "I don't give a shit what you want! Get in the shower. NOW!!"
Okay, at this point a good Christian mother would feel really bad and calmly apologize to her daughter for swearing and ask her why she didn't want to take a shower and then talk about it. But, as previously established, I am a floundering Christian parent and I just glared at her until she got up off the floor and got a towel and headed off to the shower.
Did I mention that I try really hard to be a good mother? That I really want to raise my children in a Christian environment and be a calm reasonable mother that responds well to every situation? I imagine other mothers praying with their kids every night before they go to bed and smiling as their children act inappropriately while thanking God silently that they have such smart spirited kids. Then I imagine their kids stopping their silly tirades and saying, "Mom. I'm sorry. I was behaving badly and I hope you can forgive me. I am going to pray that God helps me be more respectful in the future."
That didn't happen in this case. Before Tony left for work he asked Brenna if she had anything to say to him (he was hoping for an "I'm sorry") and she said, "No."
I was just about ready to lose it with her again, but instead I went to my room and wrote her a note to put in her lunch bag. It said something like this:
Brenna, we had a tough morning. We both need to pray to God for patience and strength. However, you are grounded for a week and can't have any friends over. I love you. Mom "So as those who have been chosen of God, hold and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." Colossians 3:12
Now, don't get me wrong. Brenna is a really great kid. She is smart and funny and usually very well behaved and grateful. But, she just was a brat this morning.
As a Christian, I try to remember the fruits of the Spirit when I am responding to a situation. (The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I know this because we just went over this in the Bible study I help lead for 4th-8th grade girls. The funny thing is, we were looking at this list and we took the first letters of all the fruits and tried to come up with a way to remember them. So the first letters, in order, are LJPPKGFGS. So the girls are coming up with stupid sayings that don't make any sense like, Light Jellybeans Put Pickles Keep Great Fast Gooey Snot. But, Brenna wanted to come up with an actual saying that made sense. After thinking for a while she came up with this...Lions Jump Past Primates, Killing Giraffes, For God's Sake! I laughed my ass off. I realize she used the Lord's name in vain, sort-of, but it's really funny and I will never ever forget the Fruits of the Spirit now)
Anyway...I feel guilty for not handling this morning in a Christian way, and I do pray for patience and anger management. But I can't guarantee that I won't yell at my kids in anger and frustration again. I, however, can guarantee that no one loves their children more than I do and that I try harder to be a good mom than anyone I know. I want to be a good Christian, but I also have to be an honest one. I can't be Susie Sunshine all the time, and I don't start every day with Bible Study with my kids and I don't fall to my knees and pray over every situation. I don't always listen to Christian music and I watch movies with sex in them and I swear and gossip sometimes. (More swearing than gossip, but I am guilty of both.) But, I love Jesus Christ and I feel Him in me. And I feel bad when I screw up. And I am trying...