Thursday, July 26, 2007

Us church people know how to PARTY!!

I thought I would just show everyone how much fun we have at church. This picture is from the Youth Picnic and I am participating in the "Poor Man's Dunking Booth". The 'dunker' got a bucket of water and the 'dunkee' sat in a folding chair. How close the chair was to the 'dunker' wielding the bucket depended on how many beanbags the 'dunker' got into a cut-out clown's mouth. In any case, I had no idea how many youth had it out for me! I got really wet, as you can see...but my fabulous orange shoes survived! The chocolate syrup on my shirt is the result of another game. Needless to say there wasn't enough Oxyclean in my laundry room to save that cute little yellow t-shirt. Anyway, I got my hair cut yesterday so it no longer looks like it does in the picture. Now it is an inch long on top and shorter every where else. It is 'wash and go' and totally fabulous.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


If I insinuated in my last post that Vacation Bible School was anything less than joyful for me, I never intended to. All I meant was that it was really hard for me to watch my language all week. I love Jesus, but I am far from perfect.

Let me tell you some of the highlights of the week...

1. The boy with the 69 ounce Coke?? I fully expected him to be nothing but a distraction all week. However, do you remember how I described him as really bright? Well, he certainly proved that in the classroom last week. He was attentive and funny and intuitive and never gave me a bit of trouble, with the exception of a few times that I had to tell him to be quiet. But, I had to tell all the kids to be quiet at some point or another. I would really rather be surrounded by spirited kids than a bunch of duds. Really, who am I to criticize the fact that this 10 year old needs a Coke to wake up in the morning? I start out every one of my days with a pot of coffee....

2. The boy with the 69 ounce Coke's father? He is a great guy. He and his wife couldn't be more involved in the church unless they were pastors. This dad was at VBS every day helping. He came to my classroom every morning to 'act' in my skits. I have no doubt that his family would be first in line to help anyone in the church who was in need. I may not always agree with their (or anyone else's) parenting choices...but I am positive that there are people in the church that don't thing I always make the right parenting choices either. I hope that they have the balls to call me on it.

3. The profane snack lady? Well, I'm sure that the s-word just slipped out when she dropped the juice. I thought it was funny and very human. But if this little anecdote made anyone think that there was a whole lot of swearing goin' on during VBS, well, that's just not true. However, I do think that there were a few people who had to think before they spoke a lot of times during the course of VBS. Let me just give you a little list of the things that I personally say that I know I couldn't say during my teaching stint just because some folks don't approve (and I think these phrases are innocuous and a part of our everyday lingo)

1. in "It's raining again? This sucks!"

2. Shut up! in "He said that to you? Shut up!"

3. in "That was a good joke, you dork!"

4. What the....!...because that implies that I was going to say "hell"

Here are some things I would never say...

1. Oh My God! (That is about the worst swearing ever, in my book.)

2. What kind of answer (or question) is that? (Because that is akin to calling a kid stupid and I would never, ever do that. I love those stupid kids!)

Okay, now...where was I?

4. As far as it sounding like I was making fun of the theme (the space thing). I wasn't. I am not much of a "theme" kind of gal, but I know that the kids love it and the little ones need it. If we invited the kids to come to Vacation Bible School and there weren't any decorations or funny class names or crafts based on a "theme" it wouldn't be much fun for anyone. I loved the decorations in the church and the silly names. I just didn't really make the connection between the Bible stories and the theme and that's okay too. It was fun. The decorations were awesome. I guess because I never went to VBS as a kid I just didn't know what to expect. I am always awed and inspired by the amount of work the volunteers put into this incredible week. The people that work the hardest on VBS are not paid church staff...they are volunteers who love the kids, love VBS and love Jesus Christ. Do you think I teach VBS because I just want blog material? No way. I do it because I want to teach these kids about the Bible and about the love Jesus Christ has for all of us. I want to give them a foundation so that when they are in high school and someone offers them drugs or they end up at a party where all the girls are giving the boys blow jobs or whatever, they know that isn't the right thing to do and they know that the church is a safe place. I want to give them hope and context for the choices they will be faced with. (I can't believe that I just ended that sentence with a preposition, but I can't think of any other way to put it!) I do it because I want to make a difference in those kid's lives like the youth leaders at my church growing up did for me.

However, I am not so pious that I can't admit that I swear. I am critical. I have sarcastic, non-Christlike reactions to things.

But, I can guarantee you this...I try. And I loved VBS. My class was awesome. They weren't Ass-teroids, but they were awesome.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Can you believe they made ME a teacher??

You know what the worst part of being a teacher at Vacation Bible School was for me? No swearing. Honestly, I had no idea how much I swear! I was told that I couldn't say, "What the hell??" (one of my favorites) or "Holy Crap!" (another of my favorites, although it does have the word 'holy' in it...I thought that would make it okay. I personally don't consider the work 'crap' to be a bad word but I know that some people do. I know some people who consider "stupid" to be a swear word. To those folks I say, "What the fuck..??!?!") I wasn't supposed to say that anything 'sucked' (even though there were obviously some things that did) and I couldn't tell the kids they were 'retarded' when they did something stupid. (Okay, I know that calling someone retarded is so totally politically incorrect and all of you think differently of me now because I say that....but all I have to say to you is...let those of you who are without sin cast the first stone. Please. Now shut the hell up.)

Now, here's the thing. Those are only the LITTLE swear words that I use. I am overly fond of the word "shit". I use it in a variety of circumstances. My house looks like shit. I need a haircut because my hair looks like shit. Don't eat the week-old meatloaf in the fridge because it smells like shit. No allowance for the kids because they don't do shit. You get my drift here? Shit is like the perfect swear word. My favorite swear word is "pussy" but I don't have a lot of occasion to use it. I'm not even sure how to use it properly, I just like the sound of it. I also like the word "hemoglobin" but it isn't a swear word and I don't even know what it is. (Now, don't leave me a bunch of comments telling me what hemoglobin is. I don't care. Besides, if I really wanted to know I could Google it myself, thank you.)

So, of course I slipped. When we had Water Day in which we all went outside and played games involving kids swimming pools and pitchers of water and a garden hose I know I said, "Holy Crap!" really loudly. Give me a break. That water was freezing. I also know I walked up to one of the parents of a 5th grade boy in my class and said, "What the hell are you thinking giving your son a 69 ounce Coke at 8:30 in the morning?" but I don't think any of the kids overheard that. Besides, the point remains...what the HELL was that parent doing giving a 5th grade boy a sugared, caffeinated beverage at 8:30 in the morning? When I saw this kid walk into the sanctuary on the first day of VBS with a Big Gulp cup I asked him, "What is in that cup?" (I wanted to say, "What the hell are you drinking?!??!" but I realized right before I said it that it would be BAD.) He said, "It's a Coke," and gave me a look that said, "You idiot. What else would I be drinking out of a Big Gulp cup?" I said, "Your parents let you have a Big Gulp of Coke FOR BREAKFAST?" He said, "What? It was only sixty-nine cents." I shook my head and widened my eyes in disbelief while I shouted, "That Is Not The Point!!!" Now, keep in mind that this kid is really bright and fully knew what my point was so he was just flexing his "smart-assity" muscles. Not a good thing to do at 8:30 on a Monday morning when I am not holding anything remotely resembling a cup of Starbucks.

The next thing that happened that morning that told me that I was just totally screwed for the whole week was my 15 year old youth helper showed up. Now, the theme of our VBS this year was SonForce Kids (clever, right? SON instead of SUN. Get it? It's a Jesus reference just in case you were confused as to what we might be talking about at Vacation BIBLE School.) which meant that we were all supposed to be part of some sort of galactic spy network thingy. I don't really get it either, but the whole church was decorated with stars and planets and space stuff. So, all the classes were named something cute and space-ish. The first grade class was called the "Silly Satellites" and stuff like that. So, what was the name of my class? The Awesome Asteroids. So my 15 year old youth helper walks in, looks at the sign that says "The Awesome Asteroids" and laughs a little. When one of my 12 year old youth helpers shows up the 15 year old looks at him and says, "Hey...don't be a pain in my ASS-teroid," which, of course, the 12 year old thinks is HILARIOUS. So, what does the 12 year old youth helper do? He repeats it to ALL the 5th grade boys in my class. GREAT. All week I heard things like, "I don't know the answer. I'll just pull one out of my ASS-teroid." Kill me now. I should have known this whole planet thing was going to SUCK because it was only a matter of time before some smart-ass kid asked about the planet Uranus. Isn't it about time to rename that planet?

Anyway, in the end I didn't really have to worry about getting in trouble for saying "Holy Crap" because I heard that one of the adults brought juice or something to one of the primary grade classrooms (while the kids were in there) and spilled it and said "Shit". You see! All the people running VBS were worried about me fucking up and swearing in front of the kids and instead it was one of the innocuous snack ladies!! Shit. I wish it would've been me.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Stupid Harry Potter Book

I am so sorry I haven't posted lately! Things around here have been nuts, but I'll get into that later. Suffice it to say that last week was our church's Vacation Bible School and I was a teacher. I have LOTS of material from that little experience!
In any case, I spent all weekend reading the new Harry Potter book. Now, like a fucking moron, I am really sad and crying about the series being over. Last night I was re-reading the end out loud with Tony (trying to clarify some of the more confusing parts...yes, I am a grown up who had questions about a children's book ending. Pathetic, but true.) and I just kept crying and saying, "Stupid book." Not because I think the book is stupid, but because I felt stupid crying over it. I am just too fucking sensitive! But, more about that later.
After dinner (which I am eating in a real live restaurant without kid's menus and crayons) I am going to post again. I swear. Really.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I got tagged!!

4 jobs I've had

  • Waitress (in college. Didn't everyone wait tables in college?)

  • Make-up artist

  • Front desk chick at the Iowa City Holiday Inn

  • I used to do billing and payroll and property management for a family who owned a couple of businesses. One of their businesses was a huge "adult" store with zillions of dollars worth of inventory. My office was housed in their tax-write-off business which was a beautiful women's clothing boutique. In any case, I would be sending off checks for thousands of dollars worth of Lucite heeled stripper shoes and porn flicks called "Poke-a-hot-ass" (instead of Pocahontas. Get it? It still makes me laugh)

4 movies I can watch over and over

  • Edward Scissorhands

  • Heathers

  • An Affair to Remember

  • A Night at the Opera

4 places I've lived

    • Over a pizza place
    • In the basement of a house
    • In a single room in a dorm because I'm a misanthrope
    • In a split level in the suburbs where I am bound and determined not to get to know my neighbors. Hello!! Did anyone see American Beauty? Kevin Spacey got killed by his stupid, crazy neighbor. However, he did have the gay couple who brought over the food basket. Ok. I would like to have them as my neighbors.

        • 4 TV shows I love

          • Last Comic Standing

          • Any awards show. I love that shit. I especially like the Golden Globes because they have a Miss Golden Globes which I think is hilarious and everybody is drinking so when they get up to accept an award they sometimes say the damnedest things. Plus there aren't any boring technical awards or costume awards.

          • Kathy Griffin; My Life on the D List.

          • Gray's Anatomy although it makes me terrified to get sick and need hospitalization of any kind.

          4 places I've vacationed

          • The U.K.

          • The Bahamas

          • Disneyworld (I have kids, what can I say? However, it is really a happy place. I don't know that it's The Happiest Place on Earth, but it's pretty happy.)

          • Boston

          4 of my favorite dishes (This is a really difficult one because I'm not a big foodie.)

          • I really like a good banana split. I haven't indulged myself in one for a while, but I feel inspired to do so soon.

          • I love a good Chicken Marsala made with dry Marsala, not the sweet kind.

          • A fabulous steamed artichoke. Maybe one from Jim's garden.

          • Johnny Depp. You can prepare him any way you want and he would still be yummy.

          4 sites I visit daily

          • Jim's Notes
          • Ummm...well, I always check out the Chicago Tribune on line.
          • That's it. No, that's not a site. I am in need of places to visit daily.

          4 places I'd rather be right now

          • Laying at the feet of Michelangelo's David
          • Alone at the Art Institute of Chicago touching all the paintings and not getting caught.
          • In a clean house with my cherubic children and a clean-shaven husband.
          • Singing back-up for k.d lang. She's incredible.

          I would love to tag someone else, but I don't know anyone else with a blog besides Tony and he doesn't really like to play my reindeer games. Silly boy.

      Sunday, July 1, 2007

      Thank Heaven for Little Girls

      Yesterday both of my daughters performed in the annual dance recital. Bronte, my 6 year old, only had to dance in one recital but Brenna had to dance in two. The first recital was at 4:00 and the second at 7:00. Since both the girls were dancing in the 4:00 recital, that was the one I actually bought a ticket for and watched from the audience. (For those of you that are not familiar with the phenomenon that is little-girls-dance-studio...let me fill you in. The classes run about $12 an hour. Bronte only takes one hour a week, but Brenna takes 4. Then there are the shoes which are anywhere from $20-$40. Bronte needs three different pairs and Brenna needs four. Then there are the recital costumes. They run about $70-$80. Bronte needed one. Brenna needed five! Brenna also needed a $20 fake hairpiece that all the girls were going to add to their perfect ballerina buns. Well, Brenna's hair is so thick and beautiful that she didn't need the fake hair, but we bought it anyway because it was part of the costume. Then there are tights which are somewhere around $15. Okay, so after you get all this shit you start to really look forward to seeing the kids all dressed up for the recital, right? That's when the dance studio screws you again.

      It's not enough that we bought shoes and tights and costumes and lessons to the tune of hundreds and hundred of dollars. NOOOOO. The studio asks you to just bend over a little farther so that they can charge you $9 a ticket to see your little princess dance. Yikes! After all that screwing I was hoping for a little cuddle and a cigarette, but NOOOO! If you show up at the recital without flowers for your dancing angel you look like a total ass. Kindly enough, the studio helps you avoid the disappointed look on your prima ballerina's face when you FORGOT to bring flowers by selling them in the lobby of the auditorium. $3 for a damn carnation with some baby's breath. The bitch of it still look like an ass because everyone knows that you were too stupid and unconcerned about your darling dancer to actually go to the florist and buy some really, really special flowers. NOOOO. You bought your cheap-ass flowers in the damn lobby. And you call yourself a mother...)

      Anyway, my kids have an entourage of people who all decided to pony up the cash to see them dance. My mother and father, my mother-in-law, me and Tony, and three of my friends and their children. Because the seating was unassigned, I ran into the auditorium and draped an orange feather boa across an entire row of seats. Yes, it was quite a long feather boa and I was lucky I had it with me. You know why I had an extra long feather boa with me? Because I had to leave the dance recital and go straight to my job as a stripper so I could pay for all the damn dance lessons. (That's a way better explanation than the real one. I'm going to stick with it.)
      Anyway, the recital was so fun to watch. It was even funner because I was sitting between two of my very favorite Italian friend "H" and my quiet friend "S".

      Well, H used to be a dancer so she had lots to say during the dancing. Let me add here that H is completely incapable of whispering so everything she said was heard by all the people sitting around us. That so completely doesn't bother me, but it might have been distracting to the people in front of us, especially when H started singing "Mambo Italiano" quite boisterously during the 7 year olds routine. She laughed really loudly when the little kids danced and were so stinking cute you just couldn't help but laugh. She screamed out my kids names during the applause after they were done dancing. She cried when Brenna was doing her ballet dance. I love H. She is the best. She is so full of life and love and joy! I never saw anyone have more fun at a recital. EVER.

      On my other side was S. She sat there very politely and watched the kids dance. She applauded reservedly and made her comments to me in a whisper with a hand cupped to my ear. The only time she lost her composure was when Bronte turned to the girl next to her in the middle of their dance and started scolding her with her finger in her face. Apparently the girl was crowding her a bit too much and Bronte had taken all that she could take. S was laughing and laughing with her hand over her mouth on one side of me and H was on the other side laughing really loud and saying, "She's your daughter, Carolyn! Ha! Ha!" Anyway, S was probably thanking God that her daughter plays soccer instead. Even though she plays on the top travel soccer team, I'm positive her expenses for soccer are a quarter of what I pay for frickin' dance.(By the way, S isn't always so reserved. You should have seen her shaking her groove thing at the Neil Diamond concert. She LOOOOOOVES Neil Diamond. We had the crappiest nosebleed seats you could possibly have...we got them for free, so...but S had the best time. I think I knew 3 songs out of the entire concert, but I shook my groove thing too in the name of sisterly solidarity. Next to the Barry Manilow concert I saw in college, it was the cheesiest concert I have ever been too. It was a total riot.)

      Well, for the second recital I thought I would help backstage with the younger dancers. I chose to be the "stage Mom" for the 6 year old group since that was Bronte's age group(keep in mind that Bronte has already performed at one recital, so I have no vested interest in any of the kids I am "stage Momming") and I was familiar with the costume changes for all three dances. That way I could watch Brenna dance via the closed circuit TV's they had in each dressing room so you could see what was happening on stage so you could get your dancers backstage in time. Okay, I figured this was going to be easy. However, I didn't count on other "stage Moms" being there fucking with my mojo. One of the moms of a child in my group just kept hanging around and hanging around until I finally asked her if she was going to go sit in the auditorium and watch the show. She said, "Oh, well... Michelle wants me to stay with her so I thought I would stick around for a little bit until she was comfortable." I turned around to see what her precious little poppet was doing and she was rooting through one of the other kid's dance bags looking for snacks with one hand and pushing the girl who owned the bag away while snarling, "I'm hungry and you always have food with you, Molly!"
      I turned back to the mom and said, "She looks fine to me. Go." Well, the mom looked at me and looked at her daughter and started to leave with this major worried look on her face. Did I mention that she looked like Molly Shannon from Saturday Night Live when she used to play that Catholic school-girl? I kept waiting for her to stick her hands in her armpits and smell them, or drop to one knee and yell, "Superstar!" On the flip side of her amazing resemblance to a Catholic girl on the edge was her incredible I-might-be-crazy vibe. She kept looking around the room when I was talking to her and rocking back and forth from foot to foot. I kept waiting for her to pull a gun out of her bag and put it to my head and say, "Listen, bitch! Don't tell me to sit down. My daughter needs me!" For the rest of the night she was sort-of lurking outside the dressing room and peeking in. Once in a while she would see me looking at her and she would walk away really fast with her butt cheeks all clenched together. Weird. And her kid was this enormous brat. When I was bobby-pinning her flowers in her hair for the ballet number she kept saying "Ouch! You're hurting me!" before I even got anywhere near her head. After she said, "Aren't you being careful?" I was ready to go find a stapler and staple the stupid flowers on her scalp. Plus, her ribbon choker didn't have the snap on it like it was supposed to. I literally just tied the stupid thing around her neck. When she asked me how she was going to get it off I told her I was pretty sure I had a big sharp knife in my purse and I would cut it off. That shut her up for 5 minutes.

      One of the other moms kept coming back to the dressing room to take pictures. Every few minutes she would come in with her digital camera and snap away while the kids were switching costumes. "Oh! Look! It's Cindy's first costume change!" "Oh! Look! It's Cindy's first lipstick touch-up!" "Oh! Look! It's Cindy and all her friends getting ready for the tap number!" I finally told her that she had to stop because I was afraid that if she posted any of the pictures on the Internet she'd get arrested for peddling kiddie porn.

      Speaking of kiddie porn, I think that next year they ought to do a "Superfreak" number complete with the choreography from "Little Miss Sunshine." I'd laugh my ass off.