Friday, August 24, 2007

Gonna Take Your Momma Out All Night...

I wish I knew how to put pictures of myself on my blog. I love to go to my friend Jim's blog (see the link to Jim's Notes under my favorite blogs) and look at his pictures! Today he has some really fabulous ones of him mugging for the camera as only a gay man can. I have never seen anyone take advantage of a photo op like Jim. Here is what it must be like to walk down the street with Jim.

Carolyn: "So then this stupid bitch in my Bible study starts to talk about her big old King James and...

Jim: "WAIT!!! There's a huge pyramid of oranges over there! Take my camera!"

Carolyn: "WHY? I was just getting to the part when I opened my jacket to reveal my "Jesus is my Homeboy" t-shirt!"

Jim: "Whatever! If I stand in just the right way, I will totally look like Carmen Miranda!"

Anyway, Jim has all these really great pictures on his blog and I don't even know how to work my daughter's digital camera...either of my daughter's digital cameras. Yes, even my 6 year old has a digital camera. They love to taunt me about my lack of digital camera know-how. Whenever I take a photo of them with my regular camera they ask if they can see it and then they say, "Oh. That's right. We have to wait for them to be developed." That's when I launch into my "Well, when I was a kid we didn't have digital cameras. We had to wait 24 hours to get our photos back," and the kids gasp at the HORROR of having to WAIT for something.

I can, however, take photos off the Internet and post them on my blog. I have gotten really good at that. The two pictures of me from the church picnic were actually from someone else's website. I stole them. I'm not sorry. Right after I figured out how to steal them and put them in my blog I celebrated. I went up to my kitchen and blasted The Scissor Sisters CD really loud and danced in the living room. Now, every time I listen to The Scissor Sisters I dance and think, "I am such a great dancer! I could have been a professional dancer if my mother had only let me take dance instead of piano. I could have been a Solid Gold Dancer, for God's sake!" At that point I usually pull a muscle in my groin or look out the window to see the post-man laughing his ass off in my front yard. In any case, since I can't entertain you with photos of myself...


Jim said...

Oh Darcell, take all that Lee Press-On nail money and get yourself into the 90's!

If you had any idea how many BOXES of printed photos I move from house to house you'd know I understand the pain (and cost) of film developing.

You know if you refuse to get with it with a digital camera, you can opt to have your film put onto a digital CD when you get it developed.

I take probably 100 photos A DAY when I am on vacation. Thank god for digital. The developing costs use to drain my bank more than the vacation.

As for nutty photos, I usually just stop and wait for you to finish a story, then place YOU n position to get a funny photo without you knowing it. I'll go put those on my blog right now.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Yes, Carolyn, I can vouch for you. That is exactly what it's like to walk down the street with Jim. Really. You got it, sister.

I have another friend who adores her Scissor Sisters CD. Her 5 year old loves it, too. They dance to it. I think the UPS guy gets a kick out of it. ;-)

And I don't have digital either. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

I don't have a digital camera either, though Benjamin does. I had to use his Fisher-Price digital camera to take his picture on the first day of school because I was out of damn film. And it takes me way longer than 24 hours to get my film developed. It'll be Christmas and I will be developing pics from summer...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!