Thursday, February 8, 2007

So far this week there has been a lot of exciting celebrity and pseudo-celebrity news. A female astronaut planned to kidnap and kill a fellow astronaut over the affections of a third. (Yet, strangely enough every single account of her story worked the fact that this deluded woman drove from her home in Texas to Florida wearing a diaper so she wouldn't have to stop to pee. Seriously, it was in the first sentence of some of the accounts. Like that proves she was crazy or something! To me, it just shows her determination.) In another "crazy Texan" story--the governor of Texas is trying to pass legislation that all 6th grade girls need to have the HPV shot. Needless to say, he is getting some flak for that. (Also, now that I have managed to call Texans crazy, I know that my friend with the Texan girlfriend will NEVER give her the link to my blog. However, if she actually had a chance to read my blog she might see that I insult EQUALLY and FAIRLY. I'm not saying that all Texans are crazy, just that the precedent has been set this past week so we should all be on the lookout.) Also, Anna Nicole Smith died. I think it was from the shock that her 15 minutes of fame lasted as long as it did.

The biggest news for me, however, was that the last Harry Potter book is coming out in July. This tremendous news was closely followed by naked pictures of Daniel Radcliffe (the actor who plays Harry in the movies) on the Internet. Turns out he is kicking the "child star" moniker by appearing in the stage play "Equus" in which he has a ten minute nude scene. Yep, he's totally naked on stage for ten minutes. He plays a stable hand (hence the horse in the photo above) who blinds a bunch of horses with a metal spike. I don't think he does this while he's naked, but...kidding. There's a love scene of some sort which I hope doesn't involve a horse, but that would be a hell of a way to shed that Harry Potter albatross, wouldn't it?? Now, I searched all over the Internet for a naked picture of Daniel Radcliffe, but couldn't find one to save my life. And I REALLY looked. (in the interest of this post, of course)
Now there is talk about this production coming to the States (it's only in London now). I figure if this happens it will definitely come to Chicago and I am SOOOOO going. I know it sounds weird that I would want to go see some 17 year old actor naked in a play, but the nudity is really beside the point. I just want to see Daniel Radcliffe act in something that doesn't involve a wand. (Go ahead and fill in the punch line here. I set it up for you.) Honestly, who really wants to see any man completely naked? The male body isn't that gorgeous naked. I would rather see a man just shirtless than all the way nude. Ask my husband about this...he'll vouch for me. (Ha!)
This leads me to the last interesting news story this week. Did you see the Super Bowl? Well, Prince did his half-time thing and when he had his guitar shaped like his stupid symbol and they put up the big white sheet with his shadow projected on it some people thought that in silhouette, the guitar looked phallic. My husband actually commented on this while we were watching the Super Bowl and I thought he was the only one who would think that. (Well, maybe all the 12 year old boys would too) Anyway, I guess NBC or ABC or whoever broad casted the stupid game has received some complaints.
All I know is, I would rather look at Prince's pretend penis than Janet Jackson's real nipple.


The T-Dude said...

Maybe I'm just super sensitive to this kind of thing, but everyone could tell that Prince was stroking his 30 foot wanker for 91 million people. Totally.

Anonymous said...

How could you not think that was phallic? When asked about the guitar, the new commissioner just shook his head. Just what he needed after nipplegate.

As far as your quest to see Harry Potter act, you might want to make plane reservations. I rather doubt he will be coming to Chicago.

Anonymous said...

I have seen Hair and seeing people naked on stage is weird. Well, because they don't use makeup on the actors entire body so they look like they have awhitish green hue to their skin. Prince....he's tamed down alot...kinda like Maddonna...they don't have to be seen as much as they were starting outin the biz. They've got nothing to prove to anyone anymore. We all realize this in our lifetime..some sooner than other ie the mom's that shop at teen store and wear jeans that let their behind cheeks show. Say no more!!!!!

bubbles said...

Stick to watching Brad Pitt in Fight Club and skip the on stage nudity. I saw Angels in America on stage about 10 years ago, sat in the fourth row, and was completely surprised (not pleasantly) when an actor dropped drawers for several minutes of the performance. He was a skinny white boy who had never been to a Buns of Steel aerobics class. I imagine Daniel Radcliffe would be a better sight to behold in all his glory, although his wand might be crooked from all that broomstick riding!

Unknown said...

I love the scattered nature of this discussion. I pre-ordered the last HP book. Rowling is my hero. She is my age and I am so impressed. I agree with you about torsos v peni(plural?) and totally agree with you about Brad. A moment please. Ok. I missed the Prince show but saw the Janet show and thought it was awesome. I thought the uproar was hilarious and puritanical. Once when I was in a museum in France I bumped into a class of kids spending the day at the museum to look at the art. There was this bunch of 7 year olds clustered around a statue of a thin naked woman and the teacher asked them what they thought of the statue. One of them said she looked cold. Another said she looked hungry. I thought it was great. Perfectly normal reactions from a 7 year olds perspective and so nice to see kids that were not being indocrinated to be ashamed of the human body - their own bodies! But back to Brad. Oh, right, he wasn't the subject. I'll just stop there then..

Unknown said...

Prince has been using that guitar for years so I don't think he brought it out to create any kind of contoversy.

"People call me rude, I wish we were all nude
I wish there was no black and white, I wish there were no rules
People call me rude, I wish we were all nude
I wish there was no black and white, I wish there were (was) no rules
{repeat 2 more times}...

Those are some somewhat appropriate lyrics the the purple one considering the topic of this latest blog entry.

Anyway, back to Brad...(sigh)