Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm bringing sexy back

I just want everyone to know that THIS is what I look like when I am just lounging around the house. I wear my robe, my fabulous Betsey Johnson shoes (those bitches are HOT) and my tiara. How about those shoes? They are suede and they are fabulous! I never would have spent money on something so incredibly frivolous, but I got them from my fairy Godfather...I don't know how he knew I needed them, but he did.

Last week was (as usual) an extremely busy one. I had to go to my stupid ass job and come home and make dinner and get kids to their various activities. I haven't had a minute to do anything I want to do; read the paper, go to the gym, eat a meal while sitting at the know. Friday was the one day I was looking forward to because my husband and I had tickets to go see k.d. lang and I LOVE her. However, my Friday schedule looked like this:

6:30 a.m. Get up and get ready for work. Kiss my kids goodbye before school.

8:00 a.m. Get my can of soup and go to work.

1:00 p.m. Leave work and go home to make dinner and put it in the Crock Pot so it would be ready for my kids and my parents who were coming in to baby sit so I could go to the concert.

2:00 Pick up Brenna and her friend from school and take Brenna to piano lessons, take her friend home, go to pick up Bronte from school, get her to piano lessons and write a check to the piano teacher for lessons.

4:00 p.m. Get home and get dressed for the concert.

4:30 p.m. Leave home and get to my mother-in-law's friend's house for the limo to take us into Chicago for the concert.

However, when I was leaving the house to go get Brenna and her friend I saw that I had a package waiting outside my front door. It was addressed to me from my friend Jim in California. I grabbed it and got in the car to go to the Jr. High to get Brenna. When I got to the school I opened the package and inside were THE SHOES. More importantly, there was a note from my friend Jim. He told me that the shoes were beautiful and that he had also enclosed some other fun things, including the tiara. You see, on his blog he has a picture of himself in a tiara:
When I saw this photo on his blog I told him that if I had a tiara I would wear it everywhere, even to the grocery store. SOOOOO, in my package there were THE SHOES and my very own tiara. He told me that he expected to see some very amusing photos of me wearing it very soon.
So here I am getting out of the limo wearing my tiara. Nothing says "of course I took a limo to a k.d. lang concert" like a tiara. Between that and my vintage mohair coat I felt like a princess. (I am not the queen though. Jim is. Look at how he wears his tiara at a jaunty angle. Only a queen can get away with that!)
In any case, I wore that tiara all weekend. I love it. I will share more pics of the tiara later...but if you ever get the chance, get a really heavy tiara and wear it as much as you can. It makes everything better.
Now, here is the thing about Jim. I have never met him. All he knows for sure about me is that I wear size 8 shoes. He reads my blog and I read his. We swap emails and we know stuff about each other...but he has never even heard my voice! But that package on Friday from my fairy Godfather made my day, my week, my year! Because I struggle (as most women do) with my body image, he once told me that I should watch Carson Kressly's show "How To Look Good Naked". Well, let me tell you, Carson has NOTHING on Jim. That box with the shoes and the tiara made me feel like more than just someones mom, or a financial aid specialist, or an ordinary suburban dweller. That box made me feel like a princess.
If I didn't express it before...Thank you, Jim. You are a man among men. I can't wait to show you how fabulous those shoes look on me. IN PERSON!!
Incidentally, the funny thing about the picture at the top where I am wearing my robe and tiara and SHOES...Brenna took it. Tony was watching the Bears vs. Vikings game.


alan said...

That tiara, it's you allright. Enjoy your new status.

Jim said...

(harumph) I don't even get to be the first comment.

I am THRILLED that everything fits! You just never know how large someone's hair might be and you need the crown tall enough to be seen above it.

Did your tiara blind k.d.?

I'm telling you, those shoes are pure sex. You can't wall in them so there's only one other thing to do! They're so high! Seriously, can you walk in those?

And to anyone else reading this, always remember, it's not a crime to have a little glamour in your life. Special occasions can be laundry on a Tuesday!

The T-Dude said...

Because my daughter's were in the house, of course I was watching the game. Even being in the same room with such a beautiful woman dressed like that was an exersize in restraint. I'm only human...and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does.

Courtney said...

When my mom lived in Elgin there used to be a gay man named Sean that rented out the spare room. Whenever I went over there for the weekends he ALWAYS wanted to go shopping with me and he would try and buy me weird and ridiculously priced junk.

It's too bad that he didn't come around when I was 16 so I could get handbags and fancy dresses instead of weird toys and other crap.

He was also a nail tech, so I had the best looking nails in the 4th grade.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Carolyn, that tiara is PERFECT on you! You look gorgeous and the shoes look great! I love both pics! Muah!

Jim said...

Have you worn the tiara to work yet?

Biking to the store?


Anonymous said...

Jim - you are so awesome. Carolyn -I want to see the tiara on Sunday!

TheHMC said...

Jim! What a nice guy you are. Look at that. You've left me nearly speechless with not even ONE sarcastic comment. What the hell?

Those shoes are killer. I break my ankle in Any high heel.. those shoes would force me into a scooter of some sort just to get around the house. My feet sure would look damn good though.

Tony. Dude. Shoes like that AND a tiara?

What kids?

Unknown said...

How is it that you have legs like that? Life is fundamentally unfair. BTW - Jim, my size is 9..