Saturday, October 25, 2008

Are we outside again?

How cute is Bronte's official soccer picture???

Bronte played in a soccer tournament today. It was a lovely day for a soccer tourney...50 degrees, gray, drizzly. The kids were fine but I was miserable. I hate being cold. I was in my chair, wrapped up in my blanket, thanking God that only one of my children is athletic. Brenna is like me, she only likes to do outdoor things in ideal weather.

I hope that someday Brenna finds someone who is independently wealthy to take care of her as she is not equipped what-so-ever to deal with adversity. Good thing she is smart, pretty and talented. She also has this sweet, unassuming way about her that people are just attracted to. No doubt she will do well in her dating career.

So, back to the soccer tournament. Bronte plays in something called the soccer "Academy". It's for kids who are too young to play on the hard-core travel teams but still are hard-core and don't want to just be on a soccer team for the cool shirt and the end of the year pizza party. Bronte LOVES soccer. She particularly loves playing defense because it's a good excuse to throw an elbow or two or to trip a kid under the guise of trying to get the ball. The kid is aggressive. Push her and she will push right back, no matter how big the opponent.

Brenna and Bronte couldn't be more different.

Brenna takes ballet. Bronte takes hip-hop.
Brenna's favorite movie is Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Bronte's favorite movie is Iron Man.
Brenna is afraid of all bugs, even butterflies. Bronte likes to carry Cicadas around and would like to keep one in her room.
Brenna is very polite and soft-spoken. Bronte's two favorite phrases are, "That sucks!" and "Holy Crap!"

I love my kids. I love that they are so different. When I was pregnant with Bronte I prayed to have a boy because I didn't think I could ever love another daughter as much as I love Brenna. Well, God had different plans. He gave me another daughter but made her so dissimilar to her sister that I love her with the same intensity for completely different reasons. It's funny how I can see myself in both of my girls even though they aren't that much alike. Bronte loves to write, for Brenna it is a chore. Brenna loves to sing and is good at it, Bronte....not so much. Bronte likes to know what everyone is talking about but Brenna only cares if it directly pertains to her. Brenna loves to read and can get lost in a book for hours but Bronte has to be TOLD to read.
Of all the things that I have accomplished in my life, my girls are the thing I am most proud of. I always used to think that I was too selfish to be a parent. When I was in college I couldn't fathom spending my money on anything but shoes for ME, ME, ME!!! Now I work so that my kids can play travel soccer and take 5 dance classes a week and have fabulous birthday parties. I realized the other day that I spend more on piano lessons for my kids than I did on my last pair of jeans. Not only that, I haven't had a new pair of jeans in two years or more.
Oh well, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Rachel V. Olivier said...

They sound like wonderful people to know!

Jim said...

I buy my jeans at H&M and they are $40. I look like a million buck in them. That's the way it should be.

Now as for what belt to buy to go with those jeans... well, I think we all know I didn't buy that at H&M.

Funny how we've never met yet I could see you in both your daughters!

Anonymous said...

As someone who knew you a long time ago, I feel like I need to tell you that your politics astound me and I just don't understand your fascination with the homosexual community, yet...

it brings tears to my eyes to read what you write about your parents and your daughters.

The T-Dude said...

Dear Anon:

As someone who knew her a long time ago, you should know she has never cared about whether or not a person was straight or gay. Carolyn has always judged her friends on how they treat people. That is her measuring stick. And if you are astounded by her politics, then perhaps she has done something that you have failed to do: Grow.

Jim said...

Carolyn, I don't understand your fascination with the "homosexual" community either. But that's probably because I'm GAY.

And I think your other readers must be confused as well. When did you start going to gay bars anyway? Oh yeah. You didn't. (no a k.d. lang concert doesn't count as a gay bar.)

As best I can tell, I am the only "homosexual" you really talk about. You must be fascinated by ME, the only gay on your blog! I have to say, you have great taste as I am actually FASCINATING. Oh yeah, that and that I have a real name and I use it. So there.

Anonymous said...

Having 2 kids who are total opposites is something I can completely relate to. Chloe begs me to play baseball with her and watch her jump rope. When I ask Benjamin if he wants to play, he runs the other way!

Rachel V. Olivier said...

I only know Carolyn online, but something I really like about her is her candidness, frankness, honesty, and sense of fun. OH, and how she upholds Christian values like love.

Unknown said...

Hi Carolyn! I have also known you a long time and although we rarely see each other I always feel that we would pick up where we left off.

Your anonymous writer annoyed me with his/her comment about politics. Oh, and gays. How predictable. Someone called me ignorant the other day for my liberal views (I am willing to ride a bus with strangers - potential ex-cons - gasp!). Considering he sleeps with a gun and lives in fear, I felt that punching him would be redundant.

Brenna and Bronte sound so great! Brenna's resemblance to you is astonishing! I only regret not living closer to get to know them. They will be adults before I see them again at this rate.

I am eager to see what my boys become. So far my 3 yr old loves rocks, reading and writing (He picked out "new mexico" by spelling and finding the word new - not bad!), is starting to do addition, and loves to correct me. Hmm. Wonder what he will be.. The 1 year old is fascinated by all music and can actually whistle. Crazy about water (tries to pitch into the tub and can hardly wait to get his clothes off - puts his head under the faucet!), loves the cat and will blow rasberries on any exposed skin - toes, tummies, noses, whatever. I am covered with snot and spit all the time. He is adorable. I wonder what he will be?

EXSENO said...

I love to watch soccer I wish here was more of a demand for it in the US then there is.

Opps sorry just read one of your comment. Good for the t-dude for responding.
I think people who make anonymous comments are cowards.
Ever notice you never get a 'good' anonymous comment.

TheHMC said...

I so know what you mean. I tried to reply to this AGES ago but, as we all know by now, the Internet is determined to kill me or make me crazy ;).

Hope all is going well with everything there!