Friday, September 26, 2008

Some non-news

Wow. Clay Aiken is gay? What a shock. I can't believe that is on the cover of People magazine. I could care less. I would rather have some really shocking news...for example: If People magazine broke the news that Sarah Palin is gay I would be surprised. What's next? Are they going to get Ricky Martin to pose on the cover with his new baby and proclaim that he is gay? (I'm sure he is.)

Wait! Is that a photo of Clay Aiken or Lindsey Lohan?

In any case, Clay Aiken just became a father. He artificially inseminated a 50 year old woman who is his BFF. (Well, I don't think he PERSONALLY artificially inseminated her.) So, not only does People magazine get to bore us with the details of his "coming out of the closet", but we get to read about how he LOVES changing diapers and how fatherhood changed his life, etc. just like every other celebrity who becomes a parent. Whatever.


Rachel V. Olivier said...

Yeah. I know what you mean. He looks a little like kd lang.

Jim said...

No, he doesn't look a little bit like k. d, lang. He is k. d. lang's dopelganger! I'd wager you will never see them in the same room as the most certainly have to be the exact same person!!

Anonymous said...

They shoulda saved the money and made their child the old fashioned way.

The T-Dude said...

I'm willing to bet that Clay wasn't up to it.