Thursday, May 15, 2008

I can SCAN!!

I am totally envious of Jim's blog because he is forever putting old family photos on his blog and I have never been able to figure out how to do that....until today! Oh yes, I figured out how to use the scanner and now you will be amazed and thrilled by some of my old family photos.

Judging from this photo, my parents really knew how to party when I was a baby. Notice how the keg (and the beer my dad is holding up) is the focal point of the photo, not ME? Here is the only picture I have of my brother, sister and me all together. I am the little one in the front trying to pretend like my dress isn't entirely too short. My sister and brother both look like they would rather be anywhere but posing with their siblings and the family dog. I'm sure that Rob and Pam (my sibs) got in the Pinto hatchback right after this and went to the beach to smoke dope. I probably went in the house and played with my Lite Brite.Now, here's a big jump. Yep, it's the 80's. See how preppy I was? I would have added some pictures of me between the age of 5 and this one, but I don't think my parents took any. Being the third child there aren't a whole lot of pictures of me. Anyway...I was all about the preppy look in high school. I even had the preppy handbook and a watch with interchangeable grosgrain ribbon bands and enough fair isle sweaters to choke a horse. Look! Here's a picture of me in a fair isle sweater: That's me in the front with the white sweater on. I have no idea who all those other people are or what we were doing or where we were. I promptly forgot high school and everyone in it the minute I stepped out of the gym after graduating. Wait, I take that back. I remember Todd, my homecoming date junior year. He was so cute. Right? Isn't he cute? Look what I am wearing. I don't know if you can tell, but those are knickers. I loved that outfit. I've pretty much always hated dresses. I took a lot of grief for that ensemble. Apparently it wasn't cool to wear anything but a stupid Gunne Sax dress to homecoming. Do you remember Gunne Sax dresses? They were fucking UGLY. Take a look: There is no way I was going to wear one of those. No wonder I wasn't elected homecoming princess. This one is from a surprise 18th birthday party my friends threw me. I had on my favorite Frye cowboy boots. Look at those other people in the photo. I have no clue who the hell they are. They were my friends, though! I do remember that one girl left the party and promptly drove into someones mailbox and the cops came to the door after she told them she came from a party. As I recall, the cops questioned us all about drinking, which we weren't. We did after they left though!! Here's the last photo of me and my first serious boyfriend. I'm sure I liked him pretty well, but let me tell you something: I LOVED his car. I think his Mach 1 is in every single photo ever taken of the two of us. I dated him for two years. When he left for college, he sold that beautiful car and I totally dumped him. I tried to talk him out of selling it, but he claimed to need the money to pay for school. Right! Like he couldn't take out student loans like every body else.
I would post some recent photos, but I still don't know how to work my digital camera. No shit, I can't even take a stupid picture on it yet. I tried yesterday and I think I pushed too many buttons and I ended up with a short movie of my foot. I guess I'll have to read the stupid directions.


Jim said...

Holy crap, I thought those were your parents.

I have all those photos. ALL OF THEM.

I also had a watch with interchangeable grossgrain ribbon bands. I bought mine at Brooks Brothers. That's where The Preppy Handbook directed me. I still have the book.

Wow, were were seperated at birth by many states....

alan said...

What? no college photos? are you trying to forget that ever happened?

The T-Dude said...

Honestly, I offered to show her how to use the camera. I swear.

Jim said...

Work the camera yes, but please no kitty pictures.

Jim said...

Are those knickers or gauchos?

TheHMC said...

You crack me up.
And you've totally inspired me to dig out some of my wretched ones from back in the day. Though, you'll have to wait because they're in the attic and I might pee my pants if I have to climb up there. When I move.. I'll get to it, I swear. I've got some doozies.

If you have an "auto" setting on the camera, that's your best bet to start with.

Well, that, and finding the actual "this takes the picture" button. lol good luck...

Anonymous said...

I am like you. I have forgotten as much of the 80s as I can, and would hardly be able to name my high school classmates. I forgot the late 80s for whole different reasons, but still remember those people. That goes without saying since I am posting a comment to your blog and I met you in the late 80s.

I am the 4th child, so there are even fewer pictures of me. There is the one the hospital staff took when I was born, then there are the school pictures. There are some that were taken when my mom remarried, but those hardly count because some photographer took those, not either of my parents.

I can't throw stones because I live in a glass house where I don't take very many pictures of Leah. I swear I will take a picture of her tonight since it is her 3rd birthday today!

Carolyn said...

Jim, they are knickers. Gauchos weren't tight at the knee. I would love to see a photo of you in your preppy period...

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!! I fear many of our kids' pictures will also have one of us holding an alcoholic version of some type. How else do you keep smiling when you have little kids!?

1980's Crystal Laker said...


I like TOTALLY (fer sure) know 90% of the people in those photos...

Anonymous said...

You look like you could have been the model for Jennifer Grey as Jeannie Bueller, as in Ferris' sister.

Of course without the Charlie Sheen crush (or maybe with it?).

Rachel V. Olivier said...

You know, that gunne sax dress is actually one of the nicer styles. Remember the ones that were all chintz and full of ribbons and buttons and crap? Those are the ones that make me shudder.

My mom and gramma laughed when I asked about gunne sax dresses because what they remember is taking the old sacks from the general store and turning them into a dress for cheap. That's the original gunne sax.