Friday, April 25, 2008

My Hamburger Phone

Have you seen Juno? I watched it with my daughter (the 12 year old one, not the 7 year old one) and her friend the other night. It was only slightly inappropriate. (I know this because Brenna pointed that out to me about 15 minutes into the movie.)
At the end of the movie I was trying to figure out how to talk to Brenna and her friend about it. You's about teenage pregnancy, adoption, divorce...etc. I wanted to talk to them about sex and consequences and the spiritual ramifications of having sex while in high school. However, I could only think of one thing to say.

"I can guarantee that you will have at least a couple of girls get pregnant while you are in high school. However, I can also guarantee that they won't be anywhere as cool and bright as Juno. They'll be skanks."

Another banner "mommy moment" for me.


Jim said...

Careful with those assumptions...

One of my good friends from my first job was a lovely Christian girl who got pregnant just before graduation. She told me she honestly believed there was no way she could get pregnant the first time she had sex.

Fast forward and the couple now has 5 kids and she is home schooling them to avoid all those evil influences of public school. Ironic.

Anonymous said...

We have not watched such thought provoking movies lately. Of course, our kids are 5 and 2.

Kris has a student get pregnant most every year, and they are not always skanks. On of them took her baby to prom as her date a couple of years ago. That was a scene.

Carolyn said...

Okay, okay...I realize it was a broad generalization. But i was trying not to make it seem like it was just a walk in the park getting pregnant, giving your baby up for adoption and then just going blithly on with your life like the movie insinuated. Besides, I doubt the lovely Christian girl had a personality like Juno. I'm sure she was lovely, but it doesn't sound like she was terribly bright. And I agree that the pregnant ones aren't always skanks, but I was talking to 12 year olds who know NOTHING about boys, sex aned relationships. I'm trying to keep them virgins as long as possible.

Jim said...

My sister in law says the best birth control you could ever have is to have a baby yourself right as they are about to go into middle school. That way they know all about how much responsibility a baby can be...

TheHMC said...

Interesting idea that Jim's sister-in-law has, but what if the new baby is a girl. Do you need to have another one when She is going into Jr. High?

I didn't much like that movie, myself. The whole 'it's not that big of a deal if you get knocked up in high school because you can just give it away and it's easy' thing. She cried ONCE in that movie and it was at the end after she had the baby. Just didn't seem realistic to me in too many ways to name.

And, if it makes you feel better, I've been telling my boys for years to stay away from girls because they're scandelous. Exact terms, too.

(I must admit though, there are a few Juno phrases that I've caught myself repeating since watching it last week. Damn that Juno.)

Rachel V. Olivier said...

Haven't seen the movie yet, but I kinda understand that moment when you know you should have a certain type of talk and are not sure what to say. I was a youth group leader back in college and had a group of freshman girls over for a slumber party. It would have been a perfect time to talk about those things since we were discussing boys and such, but I wasn't sure how to broach the subject without saying something that would get me in trouble with their parents. So, we watched movies and I kept my mouth shut.