Friday, March 14, 2008

Come on, Vogue!

Look! It's the cover of Madonna's new album. There's only one word for it: CLASSY. Nothing says class like a nice crotch shot.
Now, I like Madonna. I went to her concert last year with my darling friend LL. It was so much fun. I have never seen so many freaks in all of my life (in the audience, I mean). Madonna looked good, put on a stellar show (although I do think it was divine retribution when her microphone went dead when she was singing while being crucified on a mirrored cross. I was not amused by the imagery, especially since she was wearing a crown of thorns at the time...and I bet she was fit to be tied that her mic went out) and made every gay man in Chicago itch to buy one of her commemorative riding crops after she whipped her half-naked gay back-up dancer with one. It was a fun show, but I didn't go to it to be blown away by her extreme talent or anything like that. C'mon, her extreme talent is for marketing herself so that she is still a money-maker 25 years after she warbled "Like a Virgin". All in all, that's a good talent to have when you aren't that great a singer, actress or dancer. Britney Spears should have watched Madonna's career more closely and taken notes, because (except for the mental illness thing) they have a lot in common!!


Jim said...

Uh, no. There was no way Britney was going to have Madonna's career, mental illness or not.

As for Madonna on a cross, it didn't bother me. I know, I know, the cross is a symbol of Christ dying. But I can't find fault with anything done in mirror disco tiles.

Do you think people come up to Madonna and go, Wow! You look just as good as you did when you were 26!"?

Carolyn said...

I agree with the fact that it is hard to find fault with anything done in mirror disco tiles. Perhaps she was just martyr-ing herself for the sake of disco? I mean, her last album was an attempt to resurrect it, right??

I actually think Madonna looks better now than she did at 26 (unlike me, because I look EXACTLY THE SAME)and she certainly dresses better!

You, on the other hand, my darling Jim, have ALWAYS been fabulous!

Jim said...

Ah, photoshop madness... Some botox, microdermabrasion, highlights, lowlights, this girdle... anyway...

Yeah, Madonna does look better, but if you see any un-retouched photos of her, check out her granny hands! Horror!

Here's to staying the same while still moving forward.

The T-Dude said...

The basic difference between Madonna and Britney.

Madonna had to fight and scratch for her fame, Britney was molded and made famous by the Disney machine. That is why Madonna understood what it took to remain a viable star and Britney just imploded.

Jim said...

Ooo, that is an excellent point. Also Madge had a lot of "hard scrabble" years to know what it felt like to be on you own.

Brit-Brit was still in the bosom of her family when it all happened and she's never known a world where she wasn't taken care of.

She could, however, have looked at Kylie's career arc for inspiration in that regard.

Anonymous said...

Any chance this is Carolyn, University of Iowa, circa 1989?

Carolyn said...

Why, yes...yes I was at the University of Iowa in the late 80's. Who are you, anonymous? (And how did you know it was me? Was it the picture, because I really haven't changed at all, or was it the way I write?)

Anonymous said...

Well, the picture was right on but your writing is spot on.

Let's just say, I might be "the boy who bought you Nutcracker tickets at Hancher."

Carolyn said...

It's not much of a clue, I saw lots of ballet at Hancher

Carolyn said...

Come on, anonymous, you big fat chicken! Tell me who you are. The fact that you said my writing was "spot on" means you are either really pretentious (and I already married the most pretentious person I met at U of I) or European...which would be totally cool, but I doubt it as I never dated anyone from the other side of the pond. So...spill it.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you could say I'm chicken (big and fat is debatable) as it seems a little strange and potentially disastrous to be looking up old girlfriends online.

European, no.

Pretentions, absolutely.