Sunday, September 23, 2007

A tisket, a tasket...

Oh my gosh! Have you missed me? I miss me too! I got a stupid-ass job and now I have no life at all. If only we could all live the good life on the barter system--I could trade funny but bitchy blog posts for food, shelter and granite counter-tops.

Anyway...I went to another one of those "come over to my house and buy shit from my imaginary store" parties. I really don't like those parties, but I'll do just about anything to get out of the house so I went. Now, I don't have anything against multi-level marketing or anything...especially if the product is good and I will actually use it...but let's be serious here. When you invite someone over to your house for a REAL party, you don't suggest that they bring a friend to get a free gift. Conversely, you don't go to one of these "parties" for the conversation, unless you like to pretend that you are participating in the world's longest infomercial. You also don't show up at a "party" expecting NOT to buy something. I can't tell you how many times I have been to one of these events and over heard women comparing notes on the cheapest thing they could possibly buy and not look like they were just trying to buy the cheapest thing so they could get the fuck out of there. Honestly, does anyone even believe that whole "don't feel like you HAVE to buy something" crap? Of course you have to buy something...that's why you were invited! I would never be so stupid to think that if I accepted an invitation to a "buy stuff party" and didn't actually buy something I wouldn't be raked over the coals by the hostess and her friends the minute I left. I remember going to one of those retarded basket parties once. I had no idea how expensive those stupid baskets were! I was struggling to find anything in the catalog that was under 50 bucks! Plus, those rabid basket lovers had no sense of humor whatsoever. We were all sitting around listening to the basket lady's spiel (well, I wasn't really listening. I was drifting off because I had already had, like 3 glasses of wine.) and she told us to look on page 10 of the catalog. We all dutifully did and she said, "See that picture? It's the Longaberger basket factory! It looks JUST LIKE this Longaberger basket!" and she held up an ordinary looking picnic basket.
I was so floored by her enthusiasm for this ridiculous fact that I snidely said, "Only bigger, right?" She looked at me with her best confused-puppy look and sweetly said, "What?" And I replied, "Well, you said it looks just like the basket you're holding and I was just hoping it was bigger," and then I started to laugh because I thought it was fucking hilarious and I had already had 3 glasses of wine. I'm not kidding you when I say that I was the only one who saw the humor in that. I looked around the room and no one was even smiling which just made me laugh even more. I was practically crying at this point. I made things worse by adding, "Imagine how small the workers would have to be! They'd all be slaving away to make these humongous baskets. It would take those tiny little elves a year to make just one basket! No wonder they're so expensive!" Okay, now I was really laughing because the whole concept of going to someones house to buy $150 baskets was so stupid...but, yet, there I was anyway! What the...?!?!? Plus, I couldn't imagine how many drugs you would have to be on to actually think you could make a living selling these over-priced baskets in people's houses in a "party" context and get all excited about a factory shaped like a frickin' picnic basket. I actually had to leave the room because I was laughing so hard and I was obviously offending everyone with my superior sense of the absurd. Needless to say I was never invited back to that woman's house again. But, honestly...who has a stupid basket party to begin with?

In any case, some of these parties I actually love. I LOVE Pampered Chef parties. I get to watch someone (besides me) cook and I always really WANT to buy something. I really do use all 3 sizes of scoops I bought. (I didn't really think I would, but I wanted the complete set so I bought them all.) I also love any party that includes make-up. Because I used to be a make-up artist it's fun for me to see what's out there and to hear the funny shit the "hostess" will say to sell it even though she has NO CLUE what she's talking about. (Now, I have a friend who sells skincare and makeup and nutritional products in this "party" way and she is actually really good. She knows a butt-load about the nutritional and skin-care products, but doesn't know beans about make-up because she rarely wears any. Because she is a frickin' genius she asked me to come and do some make-overs at a "party" at her house and I did it because she enticed me with a basket of free stuff. Love free stuff! I had a lot of fun and she sold a bunch of make-up, so it was a win/win, except for the fact that she keeps trying to suck me into the "cult". I have resisted so far, but I also won't drink any beverage she offers me.) So, this party I just went to was a new product I have never heard of...Lia Sophia jewelry. I like jewelry as much as the next guy, so I thought I would go even though I knew the mark-up on the stuff was somewhere around a million percent. Whatever. I have a stupid job now so I can buy myself some over-priced costume jewelry out of a catalog while I'm half-popped on cheap wine coolers if I want to! Despite myself, I had fun looking at the stuff and actually bought something I really like. We'll see how I feel about it when I actually get it. It was fun at the moment and I cheerfully wrote the check for it, but I came home with NOTHING. That's what I hate about these parties. When I buy something, I want it right now. I don't want to wait until the hostess decides to "close the party" and then wait another week for shipping. I want to go home and have it in my hands so I can play with my new toy right away. By the time my new necklace reaches me my wine cooler buzz is a thing of the past and I really might want that 40 bucks back. I guess we'll have to wait and see.


Jim said...

When do you blog about the new job? How long until the new job finds out you did an d you get fired? I can't wait!

My mother has been selling Tupperware longer than I've been alive. Let's see that makes almost 15 years...

You wanna' see a show? She is performance art with a catalog attached!

Carolyn said...

I can't wait to get fired either.

Would love to go to your mom's Tupperware party. I would probably get drunk and make a fool of myself. The last Tupperware party I went to, the "demonstrator" was telling us about these fabulous fruit and vegetable boxes you put in your fruit and veggie drawers in your fridge and it keeps your produce fresh for weeks! I said that I never put my produce in those drawers because they were full of beer.

alan said...

'bout time you blogged. Do you really think this job is a good idea?

Jim said...

Hey, all my produce drawers are full of beer as well. Strange, I don't drink beer...

When I was little, I charged my mom a quarter to give people a tour of the Tupperware cupboards in the kitchen.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

"I said that I never put my produce in those drawers because they were full of beer." Yeah, Jim does that! I do that! If I put veggies in those drawers they just rot cuz I forget they're there.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard when I read the part about how little the basket workers would have to be - Chloe kept asking me what I was laughing about because she hasn't seen me laugh that hard in a long time. Then I told my mom about it and she was laughing - Chloe thought we were nuts. O my gosh, that was too funny. I have a friend who sells CAbi clothes - same home party concept, but the clothes are really cute and it's more fun to sit around and drink wine and try on clothes with your friends than go to the stupid store. My m-i-l was a huge Longaberger customer - I never understood it. She gave us a Longaberger picnic basket and I almost didn't want to take it to Ravinia because I didn't want anything to happen to it. Then, I realized, it's just a friggin basket!

NWJR said...

Pampered Chef rocks.

I know what you mean, though. And FWIW, I thought the basket comment was hilarious.

Jim said...

Okay, It's been a while and now I can say it, I thought the basket comment was a little derivative of Zoolander.

"How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read if they can't even fit inside the building?"

But I didn't want to be the bitchy one... oh crap. I just became the bitchy one didn't I?

Anonymous said...

My wife hosted a sex-toy party and cleaned up.

Go to those. Fun for the ladies.

Carolyn said...

Oh Jim!! You so did not try to call me out on a Zoolander rip-off! I've never even seen Zoolander. Is there a basket reference? I will have to see it now.

Unknown said...

You would love Zoolander.

I love your rip on Longaberger. I have a friend at work who was into that stuff - it is ridiculous! I hardly believed her when she said she sold BASKETS. I think it must be the pinnacle of a useless, overindulged society. Makeup, tupperware, jewelry, and sex toys are way more useful than $150 baskets that end up in storage getting cobwebby.

Rachel V. Olivier said...

I was rereading this. Why are you hanging out with people who obviously don't appreciate you? We all thought it was funny!

Carolyn said...

Well, I try not to hang out with people who don't appreciate me. I try to alienate them instead!! Ha!

Rachel V. Olivier said...

LOL! Muahahahahahahaha!